My Lil Princes

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Saturday, January 30, 2010

My New Boy Zaim Aqeel

My darling Zaim Aqeel,Babah and mummy were happiest people in the world on the day you were born. We couldn't wait to bring you home to start a another chapter in our lives.

On the 2nd day nurse ask Babah bring you for checking your blood,they worried that you get jaundice .On the 4th day your doctor came with news - you had jaundice reading 296. You needed to go through phototherapy where they put you under the light so the doctor give Babah letter to admitted at the Hospital.

It would break our hearts to go home to an empty crib, without hearing your cries. Babah and mummy decided to stay at the hospital to be near you. At least mummy is around to feed you when you get hungry, right Zaim? :)

Unfortunedly all bed full so mummy will on/off go to the hospital feed you.To pity mummy.

Luckly maktok on leave so easy to fetch mummy at the hospital.

At the 7th day Babah received a call from mummy that you can discharge,cause your reading decrease to 210..Thanks Allah

Mummy so happy same as Babah ..

My Darling Zaim Aqeel

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