My Lil Princes

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Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Hari Raya 2009

This year we celebrate Raya at Kuala Pilah.The sad year for us celebrated Raya without atok oook.Everyone were home dressed in various colours.My family in the blue team,but requested from my lovely wife no photo for this year.
The first house we visit is Mak Ngah Hauz,nearby from my mother house. than we go to Kampung Gemetir visiting our Pak Ngah & family.In the noon my wife suggest us go to Serting, visiting her Pak Uda & family

2nd day Raya we went back to Segamat,Johor ,on the way back we goes to my father in law hometown and my wife auntie's that we call Mak Long.We had one open house at that kampung..a plenty of food got there.Zharif had his roti john,sate,ice cream,and mee kari.Zalia had only mee kari and sate.Me and my wife just say Allhamdulillah .

We reached at Segamat around 430pm,have some nap than we continue visiting Pok Teh at Segamat Baru and Pak Itam at Felda Redong.All the way drive by me.A tired day.Its simple raya for us,smooth and relax.

Have a good Raya to all and don't eat to much.